We love the variety of life here in the Twin Cities as the seasons change, but sometimes the weather those changes bring mean our homes aren’t as comfortable as they could be. If that’s your home, we’ve got great news for you – Acoustical Storm Windows and Glasswall Porch Enclosures from Mon-Ray.
Modern replacement windows are much more energy-efficient than their older counterparts, but we know that some homeowners really like their old windows, or perhaps you own an older or historic home and haven’t been able to find a replacement window that meets your needs and conforms to the design of your home. That’s where Mon-Ray storm windows come in. These versatile aluminum secondary windows have been installed on thousands of homes across the U.S. where historical preservation and increased energy efficiency are top priorities
In addition to adding an extra layer of protection to your windows, these durable, maintenance-free storm windows are also of acoustical quality, meaning they significantly reduce the noise level from the outdoors. Installation of these windows is flexible as well – they can be installed either on the interior or the exterior of an existing window. That’s great news for owners of historical property who can’t or don’t want to obscure their exterior window frames.
Mon-Ray Storms Are Great for Commercial Buildings, Too Thousands of schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings across the country have Mon-Ray storms installed to protect and preserve this often historical structures. For example, Harvard University chose to install Mon-Ray acoustical storm windows as a part of their historic conservation efforts, and they university has seen significant savings in heating and cooling expenses as a result.
What’s more, because of their sound-reducing qualities, they are perfect for applications such as offices, libraries, hospitals, schools, and other facilities where there’s a need to have peace and quiet.
If you wish you could enjoy your home’s porch even when the weather turns cool, we’ve got the solution for you – a glasswall enclosure from Mon-Ray. Tens of thousands of homewners in the U.S. and Canada have chosen to install this unique window configuration, which allows them to enjoy porch living no matter what the weather. These three-panel windows come with full screens so you get lots of air flow without the annoyance of insects that ‘bug’ you on your porch.
And Mon-Ray has been providing these glasswalls for over 60 years, which means they’ve got the experience and expertise to deliver an exceptional window solution for Minnesota homes. With a glasswall porch enclosure from Mon-Ray, you get:
In addition to porches, Mon-Ray’s glasswall is also great for sunrooms because it provides almost one-third more ventilation and light than an ordinary window or patio door.
If you’d like to add more comfort and enjoyment to your home, talk to us today about installing Mon-Ray acoustical storm windows or a glasswall enclosure on your porch or sunroom. We offer free in-home consultations at no obligation.
Window Outfitters is a licensed replacement window installation contractor, serving the entire Minneapolis & St. Paul metro area.