Did you know that you can actually save money by using your credit during your home’s remodel? If you have good credit, you have a number of options that could pay you back. Of course, you won’t be able to recoup all you’re spending on renovating or improving your home, but some of the paybacks could make it a really attractive way to go.
First of all, if you’ve got a decent credit score, chances are those credit card companies are regularly sending you great offers. That means you’ve got options. You won’t have to worry about taking one that has a higher interest rate because you will have a bunch with awesome interest rates to choose from, as well as benefits like rewards, miles, and more.
Having good credit when the home remodel process comes around could be a financial lifesaver; plus it gives you more options for funding your home improvement project.
Get More Credit Card Rewards
First consider using a card that offers rewards like miles or cash back. The more you spend using that card towards certain purchases, the more in rewards you are going to get. This is a great thing to think about since you can use these rewards to not only pay down the card but also get other perks and incentives.
You can actually fund a whole vacation using only credit card points if you’re smart about the way you spend with them! Now, wouldn’t that be great? You could take the family away for a little R & R while your home is being worked on!
Higher Limits
If you have great credit, then they are going to give you higher credit limits to work with. This is going to put you in the best shape possible to get more out of your home improvement project. You want to make sure that you spend enough to get that cash back but stay within your limit. Another perk? The more you make responsible use of those higher limits, the more those limits are going to get raised. And higher credit limits generally translate into higher credit scores.
Better Interest
Everyone loves a good interest rate and if your credit score is a good one, then you know you’re getting a better interest rate overall. You can feel confident knowing that the interest rate you are getting is one that you can stay on top of and not worry about falling back on. Some cards even offer interest-free for 6 months or more. That’s far better than any bank would offer you for a home equity loan!
Before you go to do your home remodel, know what your credit score is and what your remodel might cost. Then you can see how much in available resources you have to use to pay for the project and what you might qualify for to get the job done. It is that easy to enjoy a home remodel on your credit.
Window Outfitters also provides homeowners with payment plans and other financing options so that you can have the windows, door, roof or siding that is needed on the outside of your home. Never have to worry about what you’re going to do about payments. Speak with us today to learn more.
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